DK Photonics' Blog is to introduce fiber optical passive components.we provide many features, application and description of them in detail for all of you. 

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High power isolator | Pump Combiner | DK Phtonics

DK Photonics supply fiber optic components such as PM Coupler,High Power Isolator,PM Switch,PM Circulator,PM isolator,CWDM,PLC SPlitter,Patch-cord,Pump Combiner,Polarization Beam Combiners/Splitters

CWDM Mux & DeMux - Features and Applications

CWDM Mux & DeMux – Features and Applications

The CWDM are by and large in view of thin coat channel innovation which is the type of item fall under the WDM class. There arrived in a total scope of Class-8 CWDM Mux-Demux and also OADM that stands for Optical Add Drop Multiplexer units with a specific end goal to meet a wide range of necessities and system arrangements.

Likewise, it has across the board applications that require the Channel…

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